Wednesday 11 November 2009


Mai apucat si de Bijuterii :)...frumos, migalos, cu multe satisfactii...
Iata ce contine colectia noastra de debut: bijuterii din Fimo, din pasta de modelaj, din sidef si nu in ultimul rand margele din lemn.

Intreaga colectie si preturile le gasiti in magazinul nostru on-line:

Va invitam sa le priviti si sa va alegeti bijuteria care va poate pune in valoare!

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Color Story

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way--things I had no words for.

There are infinite shadings of light and shadows and colors... it's an extraordinarily subtle language. Figuring out how to speak that language is a lifetime job.
Conrad Hall

Symbolism of Color and Colors That Go Together
Colors are more than a combination of red and blue or yellow and black. They are non-verbal communication. Colors have symbolism and color meanings that go beyond ink. As you design brochures, logos, and Web sites, it is helpful to keep in mind how the eye and the mind perceive certain colors and the color meanings we associate with each color.

Physical and Cultural Color Reactions
Sometimes colors create a physical reaction (red has been shown to raise blood pressure) and at other times it is a cultural reaction (in the U.S. white is for weddings, in some Eastern cultures, white is the color for mourning and funerals). Colors follow trends as well. Avocado, a shade of green, is synomous with the 60s and 70s in the minds of some consumers.
Color Relationships
In addition to understanding color meanings, it helps with mixing and matching colors to know the relationship of adjacent, complementary, and clashing colors.

The Colors of Calm
Cool colors tend to have a calming effect. At one end of the spectrum they are cold, impersonal, antispectic colors. At the other end the cool colors are comforting and nurturing. Blue, green, and the neutrals white, gray, and silver are examples of cool colors.
In nature blue is water and green is plant life - a natural, life-sustaining duo. Combine blues and greens for natural, watery color palettes. Heat up a too cool color palette with a dash of warm colors such as red or orange. If you want warmth with just a blue palette, choose deeper blues with a touch of red but not quite purple or almost black deep navy blues.
Cool colors appear smaller than warm colors and they visually recede on the page so red can visually overpower and stand out over blue even if used in equal amounts.
The profiles for each of these cool colors include descriptions of their nature, cultural color meanings, how to use each color in design work, and which colors work best together.

The Colors of Excitement
Warm colors rev us up and get us going. The warmth of red, yellow, or orange can create excitement or even anger. Warm colors convey emotions from simple optimism to strong violence. The neutrals of black and brown also carry warm attributes.
In nature, warm colors represent change as in the changing of the seasons or the eruption of a volcano. Tone down the strong emotions of a warm palette with some soothing cool or neutral colors or by using the lighter side of the warm palette such as pinks, pale yellows, and peach.
Warm colors appear larger than cool colors so red can visually overpower blue even if used in equal amounts. Warm colors appear closer while their cool counterparts visually recede on the page.
The profiles for each of these warm colors include descriptions of their nature, cultural color meanings, how to use each color in design work, and which colors work best together.

The Colors of Intrigue

Colors with attributes from both the warm and cool colors can calm and excite. These are colors derived from a mix of a cool and warm color such as blue and red or blue and yellow.
A cool blue and a warm red combine to create deep purples and pale lavendars. To a lesser extent, shades of green, especially turquoise and teal, also have both the warming and cooling effects born of warm yellow and cool blue. Some light neutrals such as cream, pale beige, and taupe evoke some of the same warm and cool feelings of purples and greens. The opposite or clashing color for purple is green and for green, purple.
The profiles for each of these mixed colors include descriptions of their nature, cultural color meanings, how to use each color in design work, and which colors work best together.

The Colors of Unity

The neutral colors of black, white, silver, gray, and brown make good backgrounds, serve to unify diverse color palettes, and also often stand alone as the only or primary focus of a design.
Neutral colors help to put the focus on other colors or serve to tone down colors that might otherwise be overpowering on their own. To some extent blacks, browns, tans, golds, and beige colors are considered warm. While white, ivory, silver, and gray are somewhat cooler colors. Yet these warm and cool attributes are flexible and more subtle than that of reds or blues.
The profiles for each of these neutral colors include descriptions of their nature, cultural color meanings, and how to use each color in design work

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Visit Original Handmade

Visit Original HANDmade

Magazinul virtual pe BRESLO

Magazinul nostru integral este gazduit de Breslo. Consulta ofertele si noutatile AICI

Tuesday 27 October 2009

De acum in Magazine

De astazi ne puteti gasi produsele si in magazinul Belle Drem, Str Ion Bogdan nr 11 (zona Dorobanti , ASE - Cibernetica), program 12:00-20:00 (l-v) iar sambata 10:00-14:00!

Va asteptam cu drag!

PS: Si cateva poze de la inaugurarea magazinului care a fost foarte frumoasa, plina de culoare si de accesorii minunate ...dar mai ales a fost o seara delicioasa cu "tratatii" hand-made.

Monday 26 October 2009

Our first EXPO - FHB 3

Cu emotie si stangacie ne-am pregatit pentru prima noastra confruntare cu publicul iubitor de hand-made si am participat la a 3-a editie a expozitiei Fabrica de Hand-made Breslo:

Experienta a fost minunata, am avut alaturi multe persoane dragi noua care ne-au sustinut si incurajat, ne-am facut prieteni noi si am intrat cumva in atmosfera plina de frumos si daruire a creatorilor de hand-made.

Am avut si sansa la "COLTUL ARTISTULUI" sa realizam in direct o rama si o oglinda si sa le explicam celor interesati pas cu pas cum realizam noi produsele pe care le expunem.
Acum ca am prins curaj, asteptam cu nerabdare urmatoarele provocari :).

Wednesday 14 October 2009

We are a TEAM ...

Who we are?

Echipa "Hand Made Gift" este formata din Mihaela Alexandru (31 ani) si
Alina Oprea (28 ani) din Bucuresti

What are we doing in our day to day life?

Alina: "Ca si profesie sunt Analist IT, dar pasiunea de a crea lucruri
cu propriile maini este una mai veche, fiecare ora de desen la scoala
era o bucurie, apoi sarbatorile si zilele de nastere ale prietenilor
ma inspirau pentru a le darui mici cadouri hand made. E un mod de a
ma relaxa, e placerea de a picta, si de a imbina culori,materiale,
texturi si nu in ultimul rand de a oferi obiectul creat unei persoane

Mihaela: "Ca si Alina, sunt analist programator, dar in prezent stau
acasa cu baietelul meu David Andrei in varsta de 10 luni. El este muza
mea :), pentru ca, inca din burtica m-a facut sa uit de "stiintele
exacte" si mi-a dat curaj sa ma exprim asa cum
mi-am dorit inca din copilarie, folosind culorile si punand o aprenta
personala pe lucrurile din jurul meu.
David este si cheia prieteniei mele cu Alina...ea este nasica lui :).
Impreuna am descoperit pasiuni si aptitudini comune si am inceput sa
pictam, decoram, migalim, pigulim mici cadouri pentru prieteni..apoi
pentru nuntile noastre...ale apropiatilor nostri si in final
...pentru toti ceilalti iubitori de frumos si de cadouri cu suflet."

What are we enjoing most to design?

Alina: "In prezent pictez pe lemn, ceramica si sticla, obiecte
decorative si sunt inca la inceput de drum in crearea de accesorii din
pasta de modelat."

Mihaela: "Imi place sa decorez lemnul sub diverse forme: rame,
oglinzi, cutii de bijuteri, statuete...mi se pare un material cu care
poti lega o prietenie, este cald si arata minunat
in orice combinatie de culori."

What are our preferred materials?

Alina: "Deocamdata incerc sa experimentez diverse materiale, sa le
imbin, astfel incat produsul final sa fie delicat, fin si special."

Mihaela: "Materialele mele preferate sunt lemunl, sticla, iar cu pasta
FIMO sunt inca la inceput dar cred ca in curand vom deveni buni

What are our plans for future?

Deoarece in curand vom avea sansa de a expune obiectele create de Hand Made Gift Team intr-un magazin, ne dorim ca prin aceasta experienta sa ne promovam lucrarile si sa oferim oamenilor ceva altfel, un cadou cusuflet, culoare si amprenta personala.

Saturday 11 July 2009

Frames & Mirrors can bring a smile can gain a can say I’m sorry ...or Thank you ...or You are a very special person for me ... and you can do it in a UNIQUE way...

Mirrors designed by Mihaela:

Mirrors desigend by Alina:

Range of Products

Range of Products